【The Shift】如何教育培养孩子面对未来的挑战(中)

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第一,智慧资本  Intellectual Capital


书中提出,重要的是在某一个领域深耕细作,成为大师。不要做Generalists,而是Mastery, 并且是Serial Master,在越多的领域有深入的见解,并能融汇贯通。

That is a combination of what you know and your capacity to think deeply and intelligently about issues and challenges.

第二,社会资本 Social capital

其次 就是社会资本,简单地讲就是人脉,人脉的广度和深度。人脉会变得更加重要,而人脉的形成和培养是要有意识地努力。


你同时要能在人群中脱颖而出,同时又要聪明地成为人群的一分子,做一个有创造力的connector。 否则,你就是被孤立的,鼓励的你和其他被联系的人竞争是没有胜算的。

That is the sum of all the relationships you have and the extent and depth of your networks.

Some of these relationships will be strong and real sources of personal joy, while many others will be weaker and enable you to connect to diverse groups of people.

The depth and breadth of these relatioships and networks will become ever more vital, and that they will need to be crafted and nurtured in consicious ways.

Success will come from the balance between the different types of relationships and networks that define your work. This will mean letting go of many of your preconceptions about what it takes to be a winner.

It is a shift from being an isolated competitor ot being an innovative connector.


第三,情感资本 Emotion Capital



现在,在很多大公司,特别是日本的大公司,员工的很多重大决定,是被 公司做的。比如日本大公司的定期轮岗制度,员工自己无法完全决定自己在那个部门,哪个城市工作。

用书中的话说就是 You could leave it in the hands of the corporation to make the big decisions about your working life.

关于情感资本,书中提出重要的是你要明白自己的选择 ,并且准备接受每一个选择带来的牺牲。



Quality of experienc will trump quantity of consumption.



1) 要成为某个领域的专家

2) 要成为一个可以连接一群有着多样性和智慧有趣的群体的中心

3) 要从一个虚荣贪婪的消费者转变成一个更重视内心的追求和重视经验质量本身的人


  1. Be prepare to expend the focus and determination to be a serial master
  2. Use energy and goodwill to become an innovative connector with a rich network of diverse and interesting people
  3. Redraft the traditional working deal that has money and consumption at the heart to something more in tune with your eomotional needs for experiences and passion


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